About me

I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Esmé van der Harst and I have specialised in the power of feeling.
I invite people to further explore the dimension of feeling.
My high sensitivity has become my strength and talent. I felt intuitively what the people around me needed. I was allowed to learn to distinguish between 'my' and 'mine'.

I used to find this very difficult, but because life asked me to investigate my feelings and work with them a lot, it has become my talent.

With this talent I inspire groups of people every day by speaking and writing about it. The intention of my work is to awaken parts of you that you are not yet aware of. The intention of my work is to awaken parts in you of which you are not yet aware, parts that stand in the way of your talents.
I hope to inspire you to stay curious about who you are and how you react to things.

'Never stop learning, because life will never stop teaching you things.'

Trip down memory lane

My working life started in 1992 when I set up a school for children of asylum seekers on behalf of the municipality of Zeist. In 1999, I made the switch to the business world. In 2004, I founded my first company. A company specialised in application packaging that, in its first year, grew from 0 to 50 employees and made a profit of 1.5 million euros.

In 2006, I became commercial director and co-owner of Pecoma Business Technology. An organisation of 360 people at the time. In the tough commercial world, my sensitivity stood out. In an article, I was described as follows:

Van der Harst is looking for something close to herself and in the business world she adds the element of feeling power to her brain and decisiveness, whereby empathy and commitment distinguish organisations. In the tough commercial world, Esmé van der Harst's human spectacles stand out.

In 2007, my daughter was born. Her arrival made me pause. When she was three weeks old, I had to jump over a snake in the forest during my run.
When I got home, I looked up what a snake in your path meant.
Still sweating, I read the description:

A Snake sheds its skin and symbolises the transmutation that takes place in the cycle of life-death-rebirth. It is about the energy of wholeness and cosmic consciousness and about the ability to experience everything willingly and without resistance.

The power of Snake is the knowledge that all things are potentially equal, that the things which can be experienced as poison can be eaten, absorbed, integrated and transformed into something higher if one possesses the right state of mind. Complete understanding and acceptance of the masculine and feminine in every organism causes them to merge, releasing divine energy.

I felt in every fibre of my being that the time of running away from myself by working hard had come to an end.

In 2008, I founded The Empowerment Group. The Empowerment Group invites organisations and people to become who they are at their core. In the process, they become aware that the potential from which they create is limited, coloured and filtered.
The much larger frozen potential comes into view and there is room for miracles.

As souls, we have chosen our lives and the lessons that go with them.
This is also called a soul contract. We want to learn something in order to further develop ourselves but also the collective. The darkness that is shown to us through experiences has the purpose of looking at the blackness in ourselves and dissolving it. As consciousness in a human body we are born in a place where all the ingredients for that lesson have been specially created to learn that which our soul wants to learn. Living in duality on earth provides us with an environment where we are constantly reminded of our intention. You can never get lost in life.
You do and experience exactly what you came for.

The invitation is to be fully present, time after time, in trust in how life unfolds.

Life is the plural of guts

For years, my favourite saying was 'Life is the plural of guts'. This statement summed up in words the courage it took to look where I did not dare to look. Six words that concisely expressed the reason for not activating my potential because I looked away from what hurt.

It took courage to go through the depths of my self-rejection to re-establish the relationship with myself. Courage to investigate the recurring question 'What makes these emotions move in me'. By 'taking hold' of all my feelings, my trapped energy 'thawed'. My far greater potential came into view, leaving room for miracles. From the connection with myself came the connection with the other. A magical life in love and harmony with myself and others arose, connected to Mother Earth and the universe.

When I was three weeks old, I was given the name Esmé, which means something like 'esteemed, respected, appreciated, seen'. The challenges that life has offered me have been the opportunities on my way back to full connection with myself. And thanks to those experiences, I can now say I consider, respect, value and see myself.