

I invite organisations and their people to become who they are at their core. When an organisation moves from its essence, it will excel. Doing business from inspiration makes a company visibly distinctive. What is the inspiration behind your organisation's entrepreneurship? What does your organisation add?

An organisation is often born from a passion. Just as we are challenged in our own lives to look for that inspired energy to live from, the same applies to an organisation. What does the market, our employees, our products, the mutual atmosphere reflect?

Is what we experience still consistent with the essence from which the organisation originated?

'Evolving into the future is evaluating the past and present of the organisation, both internally and externally'.


Are we still on the right track?

You can compare an organisation with a living organism. An organisation comes into being, grows, splits off parts that may continue to develop independently and when an organisation (or parts of an organisation) no longer has a right to exist, it ceases to exist.

During the entire development process, an organisation has to deal with growth spurts, setbacks, prosperity, structural changes, etc.


An organisation that has been around for a long time has developed its own signature, its own character. In all those years, various patterns have developed, some of which are visible and lie on the surface, but others are completely invisible and can only be noticed by the effects they have.


Events that have taken place in the past, for example someone who has been unfairly dismissed, can unconsciously continue to act as a kind of negative energy in the organisation. So it seems that an organisation has a kind of memory, an imprint of its entire history.

Just like in a living organism, there are patterns that promote development and growth and patterns that hinder development and growth. Young organisations also have to deal with unconscious patterns. Just as a newborn baby unconsciously receives the patterns of its parents and ancestors, a starting organisation will also be immediately embedded in the history of its founders, its environment and its culture.


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