


With my books, I intend to awaken parts of you as a reader to create awareness of your 'frozen' potential. You are invited to recognise the value of reflection. To embrace emotions is to embrace yourself deeply. I hope to inspire you to stay curious about who you are and how you react to things.

Never stop learning, because life will never stop teaching you.

For inspiration, here are the short summaries of the books.


The light of the small lighthouse

The lighthouse shines its bright light every evening to show ships the way in the dark night. Until one day he notices that not everyone is happy with the light he spreads.


Why don't you shine every day anymore? 'It is so dark in the village. We miss your light.'
The little lighthouse felt something tingling in his stomach at the old man's question and shyly let him in.


It is a story about the courage to let yourself be looked at and to look at parts of yourself that you don't dare to look at. It teaches you to discover that people who scare us, who we don't like or who irritate us are actually an opportunity to learn something about yourself.

This is the first book in a series on the power of feeling.

It helps you to increase and develop your feeling power.

Feeling and being able to deal with all your feelings creates a magical life where miracles exist.

This book can be read by children from 9 years of age. It can be read aloud from the age of 5.


The light of the lighthouse

The lighthouse shines its bright light every evening to show ships the way in the dark night. Until one day he notices that not everyone is happy with the light he spreads.


Fine," said the darkness. She brightened up. Just when the light goes out, I can be seen well. Grateful, the darkness lay down. The lighthouse remained sitting thoughtfully. 


This story is about courage. It asks you, the reader, to look where you don't dare to look. A story about our potential that we do not activate because we look away from that which hurts. This is the first book in a series of books about the power of feeling. Fully embracing our power of feeling is a prerequisite for a magical life where miracles exist.



Gnome's backpack

This book is about Gnome and his two good friends Squirrel and Owl. Gnome has a rucksack which he always carries. One evening squirrel discovers that gnome has taken it off. That is strange because Squirrel remembered only too well that he, Owl and Gnome went swimming together in the sea on a hot summer's day. In his red swimming trunks and with his rucksack on, Gnome played in the water together with his friends. What is going on here?


When the squirrel went to visit the gnome one evening, he saw through the window that the gnome had taken off his rucksack. The squirrel opens the door without knocking and hears the gnome muttering softly to himself. "It's not right, it's just not right." The gnome sighs.'


The story is about the value that difficult moments in your life have. The writer hopes that after reading the story you will embrace the challenges in your life with a smile.


The gnome's backpack is from March 2022.



The Echovogel (adult version)

A poem that expresses the call of the soul.

Available in a card set or poster from December 2021.



The Echovogel (children's version)

A poem that expresses the call of the soul.

Available on jersey and poster from December 2021.


Frozen desire

The poem "Frozen Desire" describes the struggle of a person who has witnessed the death of his or her twin in the womb. Characteristics of this may include the following:

  • Always looking for something, like an ideal partner, but not finding satisfaction and connection.
  • You have the feeling that you can't find your feet, or that you have no place.
  • Having the feeling that you are surviving, instead of really living fully.
  • Being afraid of being rejected.

As singleton twins, you develop certain habits throughout your life that are characteristic of singleton twins.
Please note: this syndrome can also occur if you are part of a multiple birth family.

The writer and her son both witnessed this drama in the mother's womb.

Available in a card set or poster from December 2021.



One in ten is a twin or multiple birth

Studies have shown that one in ten pregnancies begin as a twin or multiple and that in 90% of initial twin pregnancies one or more foetuses or embryos die early in pregnancy*.

*(bron: Survival probability of human conceptions from fertilization to term. International Journal of Fertility 35{2}, C.E.Boklage, 1990. Womb twin survivors and family constellations, V. Sas, 2010. A healing path for womb twin survivors, A. Hayton, 2005)

Something has gone wrong!